Why Is Cold Brew So Famous?

Cold Brew Coffee is a fairly recent preparation method. It got very popular these days due to lower effect on bellies, and many coffee lovers love the gentle aromas and flavours.

Cold brew coffee is not the same as iced coffee, where any coffee is chilled and combined with ice cubes for a blended drink. When making cold brew coffee we are not just adding ice-cubes to our cup of coffee, we are steeping at low temperatures.

Cold brew refers to the process of brewing the coffee, not the temperature of the brewed coffee. Coffee beans are ground then brewed cold water for an extended time, usually 12 hours or even more, however a lot internet sources suggest shorter times than that. Coffee shops and big coffee companies steep their coffee beans for more than 16 hours to ensure the best extraction.


Precisely How is Cold Brew Distinct?

Cold brew coffee is extracted at low temperatures like room temperature, or in the refrigerator. The reduced temperature level decelerates the extraction of soluble solids, and because of this, the extraction time is very long, in comparison to drip coffee or espresso. The extraction is made through diffusion, a process that helps the good stuff in the coffee beans to be dissolved in brewing water. From this point of view, the slow extraction is probably the only inconvenience regarding cold-brew-coffee. Everything else is much better than hot coffee.


The flavor profile of cold brew is fragile with remarkably sophisticated nuances, that you can't have in a hot java. There are many components that create the subtle taste profile, and these components are very volatile. That is the reason they get ruined with hot brewing. Boiling water introduces much more harsh substances that many coffee lovers appreciate. These compounds are not going to be extracted with cold brewing, consequently we will have a rather gentle tasting coffee.

One of the best characteristics of cold brew coffee is the low impact on the stomach. If you have tummy problems when consuming regular coffee, cold brew is your remedy.


How To Prepare Cold Brew Coffee?

There are a few approaches to prepare cold brew. The fanciest options consist of a commercial coffee maker, and on the other side of the spectrum, we have the French press and the glass jar.


There are some companies, like Toddy, Oxo or Filtron, which have created their version of cold brew coffee makers. Here is a comparison between the three big names. The idea supporting these types of cold brew coffee makers is to infuse a larger amount of concentrated coffee. Even though the principle is excellent, and mostly, minimizes the problem with long steeping times, they carry their own problems. These concerns are: filtration, properly dosing, the equipment is expensive, (coffee maker plus a great grinder), and it takes a huge space in the fridge. The option is a practical one - the Cold Brew Coffee Pod. We'll get back to the pod in a bit, let's discuss first the recipe for a cold brew coffee.


The Best recipe for Cold Brew Coffee

The recipe is extremely simple and it varies, depending on the preferences and the barista style. Here is our recipe:



  • Grind coarsely about 20 grams of espresso beans
  • Dump the grounds in a mason jar and pour approximately 350 ml water
  • Stir the mix and make sure all the ground coffee settle to the bottom of the jar
  • Put it in the refrigerator and allow it to brew overnight or, minimum 10 hours.
  • Filter and serve


This seems quite easy, doesn't it? In theory, this recipe can be made in your kitchen with no issues. In reality, there are a few issues.

The straining always is messy, unless you have a commercial coffee machine.

When made at home we get with a dirty brew most of the times. This is because your grinder is not a great one and the particles are not evenly cut.

It's simple to miscalculate the coffee beans quantity if you don't utilize a scale. You might make a cup that is too strong, or even worse, you can wind up with a weak cup.

Cold brewing coffee is not that hard, and if you wish to start making cold brew coffee there are a good deal of informational resources on the Internet. One of these sites is this: make cold brew at home


The Alternative

The answer is a coffee bag. How does the coffee pouch work? It helps in a couple of ways:


No mess to clean while making coffee.

Best coffee roast for cold brew.

You do not need yo buy an expensive coffee maker like Filtron or Toddy. A basic glass jar or any sort of receptacle works.

You don't need to strain.

There is no necessity to weigh the coffee quantity for every batch.

Even grind size: less silt in your coffee, and you do not need to have a grinder.