How Coffee Extraction Works

I was a bit shocked a few days ago when I had a conversation with my fiancee about coffee. This is a conversation I have actually had with other individuals however I wasn’t expecting it from this source.

The subject of the conversation was actually raised when I informed her I was intending on composing an article about coffee preparing and extraction.

“ Can you write an entire post on that? ” she asked.

“I could compose an entire book on it” & rdquo; I replied.

“I thought it was basically simply pushing a button. Isn’t coffee quality more to do with how costly your coffee device is?”

This statement broke my heart a bit. My fiancee knows I am obsessed with coffee. The idea that she thought coffee making needed no skill at all was a tough pill to swallow. What does she think I am doing with all of my time?

The regrettable fact is that the majority of people believe that coffee is just a push of the button. Any effort that goes into coffee making is jus lost time. I recall another discussion with a fellow barista who mentioned to me he thought making espresso just indicated pushing a button, before he started working in the field.

However, I was grateful to my friend as I realised how important it was to write this post on coffee extraction. So read on to find what in fact goes into coffee making and what other abilities are needed to make delicious coffee, apart from excellent button pressing abilities!


What Is Coffee Extraction?


Coffee extraction is the process of dissolving tastes from coffee grains into water. It sounds extremely easy in theory, I admit. Unfortunately, if we put raw, green coffee beans into water, not much happens. Gradually we have actually discovered that there are different elements which increase the level of extraction, which means more coffee properties or Overall Dissolved Solids (TDS) in the final cup of coffee.

The very first of these aspects is heat. Our ancestors very rapidly understood that putting raw coffee beans in hot water created more of a reaction compared to soaking raw beans in cold water. They discovered that, if they didn’t heat the water, they required to leave the coffee beans soaking for a lot longer in order to get any sort of flavor at all in their beverage. This highlights the second factor that affects coffee extraction: time. The longer the of time the coffee touches the water, the more properties it draws out.

However, this original coffee beverage was still incredibly disappointing and tasted essentially like the bitter plant that it was. Those ancient baristas required to find a method to increase the level of extraction from the coffee. Then one genius most likely believed: if hot water draws more properties from the bean, then certainly it stands to factor that heating up the beans over fire prior to putting them in hot water might release more of the coffee bean properties?

Eureka! Cooking or roasting the coffee beans prior to boiling them in water was the essential to coffee making as we know it today. This unlocked a whole world of coffee for those pioneers. When we roast coffee we soften the internal cell structure of the coffee bean which permits us to extract even more properties and tastes from the coffee bean.

This was the method coffee was likely extracted for many years and years. Eventually, some smart coffee lover had the idea of squashing the roasted beans and making this ground coffee. Grinding coffee is the last primary aspect which vastly increases the extraction of TDS from coffee beans. Grinding coffee increases the area of the coffee that touches with the water, thus increasing extraction.

So there you have the 3 main elements that influence coffee extraction:


  1. Grind size
  2. Heat
  3. Time


We can break these elements down much further but for now let’s stick to these 3 headings. All elements in coffee extraction are interdependent. If we change one element, it impacts the others and we have to change them also. I’ll talk about this in more detail a bit later on.


Under extraction and over extraction


Primal coffee drinkers ended up being so excellent at drawing out the coffee properties that they began going too far. They understood that it was possible to have too many dissolved solids in the drink, changing it from a scrumptious beverage to something bitter, awful and undrinkable. There is in reality a sweet spot for extracting coffee. In the early days of brewing coffee with raw green beans, the coffee was under extracted. Ultimately, when all of the coffee making elements were discovered and included to the process, coffee began to be over extracted.

Clive coffee highlights how different coffee solids and tastes are extracted in a particular order when preparing. Fats and acids are extracted initially, then sugars, and finally plant fibers. The goal is to brew the coffee for enough time to get a best balance of these properties in the cup, however not long enough to extract the unwanted, bitter compounds.

For that reason, various levels of extraction lead to various tastes in our coffee

. Under extraction If we don & rsquo; t apply enough of one or more of the extraction elements, we will get a coffee that is under extracted. For example, if the ground coffee isn & rsquo; t in contact with hot water for long enough, the coffee will be under extracted. Under extracted coffee tastes sour, and lacks sweetness, as the sugars have not yet been extracted to harmonize the oils and level of acidity.


Over extraction


If coffee is over extracted, nevertheless, it will taste bitter, due to too many of the bitter plant fibers being drawn out from the coffee. Counter-intuitively, these plant fibers are the only properties that can be drawn out from raw coffee beans without the addition of heat, which is why green coffee beans taste overwhelmingly bitter and unpalatable.


The extraction sweet spot


That perfect extraction point that we are aiming for will yield a drink that is sweet, with appropriate level of acidity and a long finish ; the finish being the immediate sensation that we experience after taking a sip of the coffee.


The extraction process


So, for all modern types of coffee brewing, heat, time and grind size are all factors that require to be thought about when brewing a cup of coffee. Often one aspect can’t be changed for a specific reason for a particular brewing technique. For that reason, the other aspects have to be adjusted to harmonize with the set factor. Let & rsquo; s analyze each one individually. Grind At a fundamental level, the finer the coffee is ground the more coffee is extracted. This is due to the increased surface area that touches with the water.

With every coffee making approach, the grind size is chosen based on a number of components.

These all need to be considered when thinking about the grind for a brew.

With drip coffee, the grind can’t be too fine otherwise the water would take too long to go through the filter.

With French press, the filter screen is much larger than a paper coffee filter in basic French pots. This suggests that the grind generally needs to be coarser for French press than for filter coffee.

On the other hand, espresso has the extra factor of pressure during extraction, which accelerates the preparation time. The grind therefore needs to be much finer for espresso due to the included force of the pressure requiring the water through a smaller sized space between the coffee premises, at a quicker speed.

Finally, cold brew coffee is ground coarse to assist the water leak more quickly through the coffee grinds. Due to the much longer extraction time, great ground coffee also tends to be over extracted when cold brewing.

Grind size can be changed minutely for all making approaches in order to find that ideal extraction. However, all coffee brewing techniques have a basic grind size to follow. The grind size that allows for ideal extraction for each technique has actually been meticulously experienced over the duration of decades.

Grind sizes for standard preparing techniques are as follows:


  1. French press - Coarse
  2. Percolator - Coarse
  3. Cold brew - Coarse
  4. Drip - Medium grind size
  5. AeroPress - Fine
  6. Espresso - Extra fine
  7. Turkish coffee - Powder

Brewing Time


Just like finer grind, longer extraction time equates to greater extraction. Several making techniques have a particular steeping time.

For instance, Drip coffee makers have a basic set time to brew coffee. This indicates that the grind size and heat need to fit with the set extraction time in a drip coffee machine. In drip coffee this translates to a medium grind size and water that is nearly at boiling point.

The ideal time for basic espresso extraction is of 20 and 30 seconds. The grind size and the temperature are for that reason minutely calibrated in espresso preparation so that an espresso is pulled within this time frame.

Cold brew doesn’t make use of heat in the preparing procedure at all. For this reason, cold brew needs a much longer time duration for extraction compared to heated coffee extraction. The longest time for the majority of hot preparing methods is around five minutes. Cold brew takes between 12 and 24 hr to draw out correctly, which is a significant variation.


Temperature level


Temperature level (heat) is the last element that increases the rate of extraction. The hotter the water, the quicker and greater the extraction. For that reason, if there is currently a higher level of extraction from a specific preparation technique due to other previously discussed factors, the water temperature level doesn’t need to be as hot.

Espresso coffee has a great grind and a quick extraction time due to the addition of pressure. Therefore the water temperature level requires to be a little cooler than for other preparing methods in order not to over extract it.

Drip coffee water requires to be hotter to encourage more of a response with the coffee, due to the absence of pressure.

Pour over coffee and French press coffee require to be hotter once again. This nevertheless is primarily due to the exposure of the water to the air. The open air nature of these making methods makes the water to cool rapidly, which is neutralized by brewing with water at a higher temperature.




Although I didn’t include roasting as a factor that influences extraction, it is quite something that needs to be talked about here; so much so that it gets its own section. A coffee extraction recipe will often have to be changed for the type of coffee roast you are utilizing.

Just like the actual extraction process, coffee beans can be roasted in a different ways in order to encourage greater or less extraction. The main factor that we are discussing when it comes to roast, is time.

The longer the coffee bean is roasted, the more properties are released from the bean and are therefore extracted easier throughout coffee brewing.

This is the reason that dark roasted coffee is generally believed to be stronger than light roasted coffee. This belief was established by people who use the same brewing dish, no matter roasting time. Coffee that is roasted for longer is extracted quicker, for that reason it stands to reason that dark roasted coffee requires less of each brewing factor in order to extract optimally. This means less time, coarser grind and cooler temperatures. If preparing factors are adapted to compensate for a darker roast, dark roasted coffee can be prepared to be the same as or weaker than a lightly roasted coffee, and vice versa.

So, hopefully, I’ve convinced you that brewing a good cup of coffee includes more than good quality equipment and dexterous thumbs for button pushing. With any luck, you have also learned a bit more about coffee preparation which will allow you to make your home brew that bit more delicious!

More information on and coffee preparation: Click to find out more